It's only been one full day after the 2012 Election, so of course we'll continue to see postings on social networks in regards to the results. But the issue it seems, is that when it comes to politics and social media, humanity turns incredibly hostile.
Now, don't get me wrong, I posted my share of tweets directed towards my disappointment in the election results. But lets face it. When you're team looses, naturally, you're going to be upset about it.
I'm sure you've noticed the amount of frustration from Republicans over the last 24 hours on social media. And this is because 48% of American's were cheering for the other guy. Literally just under half of our country was split down the middle during this election.
Aside from saddened Republicans, we also have a few Democrats that are "rubbing it in" so to speak. It's playing out like a football game. The fans of the winning team are harassing the losing team in the parking lot after the Super Bowl.
These things happen.
Now, lets change it up, what about when your favorite actress or singer is gloating and making you feel like rubbish for your beliefs? Celebrities are just like us. They're not perfect and they make mistakes. The difference is that when you or I make moves that are in "poor taste" only a small handful of people see and know about it. When celeb's chose to ignore the high road, the whole world sees it. The whole world talks about it and complains about it.
Their whole life is on display. And with social media, their fans on facebook or followers on twitter are their FANS. Fans support them, fans pay their bills, fans made celeb's famous by purchasing their music, buying tickets to their movies, or watching their tv shows. So why would they go so far to look so bad? Things happen, I've done plenty of things without thinking it through. But again, I'm not a celebrity, and nobody is interested in what I say or do.
Which finally, brings me to my point:
Beyonce decided to post an image on her Tumblr account geared towards Mitt Romney supporters:
Actual photo of Beyonce's "message" to Republicans posted on Tumblr
Clever? Yes. And I'm sure in no time, someone will be printing this phrase on zazzle or cafepress if they haven't already.
She posted the image shortly after the election was called last night and has since removed it from her account.
What has been seen cannot be unseen....
The damage is done. She put it out there. She risked offending probably half of her fan base while exercising her Constitutional First Amendment rights. But to what cost? Yes, I'm sure her die-hard fans, who might be Republican's, have already forgiven her. In my case, I could really care less what Beyonce has to say. If this was posted by Milla Jovovich I'd be torn apart. But Milla wouldn't do that. Regardless of her intentions I can only imaging how many people were hurt by this little note she left. But as American's, I'm sure they'll pick themselves up and find a way to move on.
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